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The name means "living water." If somewhere, there is a really fabulous liquid, then this is one of those places. Locals long ago discovered the properties of mineral sources (there are more than 2,000 sources in Georgia) and their beneficial effects on the body. Together with the climate, they cure better than any medicine. People, bound with rheumatism, who cannot step, are brought on a stretcher, and after 20-30 procedures they leave on their own two, forgetting how they got here.

Treatment in Tskhaltubo

There are no radioactive and other harmful elements in Tskaltubo mineral water, and even dirt, the age is about 100-150 thousand years. This area is the oldest Georgian resort, and the first written references to the life-giving fluid belong to the XII-XIII centuries. The development of a modern balneological resort village began in 1926, when guest houses and a medical building were erected here. In the 50s, 19 sanatoriums and boarding houses, a branch of the Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy, and a park were built.

Here is a partial list of diagnoses for which you should come to these parts:

• osteochondrosis

- dorsopathy;

• osteoarthrosis

- post-traumatic arthrosis-arthritis, the consequences of bone fractures;

• osteochondropathy, hereditary diseases of the joints

• ankilizing spondylitis

• violation of posture

- scoliosis, kyphosis, kyphoscoliosis;

• rheumatoid polyarthritis, spondyloarthritis;

- with psoriatic, gouty, Roiter, etc .;

• gynecological diseases

- Infertility, tube obstruction, ovarian dysfunction, inflammatory changes, adhesions of the ovaries and appendages;

- colpitis, vaginitis, climacteric neurosis; menstrual disorders (amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea);

- mastopathy;

• prevention of urological and andrological ailments

- jade;

- nephrotic syndrome, prostatitis;

- urolithiasis, prostate adenoma Art. I, cystitis;

- erectile dysfunction: atherosclerotic, diabetic, neurogenic, psychogenic genesis;

- nocturnal enuresis, age incontinence;

• endocrine disorders

- improper metabolism;

- thyroid gland diseases (associated with iodine deficiency, subclinical hypothyroidism, thyrotoxic diffuse goiter, nontoxic diffuse goiter, thyroiditis, autoimmune thyroiditis;

- lipoprotein metabolism disorder, oxaluria, hyperuricemia;

- post-diabetic complications: polyneuritis, angiopathy;

• skin diseases

- atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, lichen planus, keratosis, acquired ichthyosis, scleroderma.

It may take a long time to list the known and rare ailments (such as Strumpell-Mara, Bekhterev, Peyron, etc.), in the fight against which they will help you here. Many even joke "Tskhaltubo treats everything."

P.S. Since the Moscow-Tskhaltubo train cruised here, a lot has changed, so if you decide to go for a recovery, stock up on books, board games, etc.

Tskaltubo is an administrative district center, located very close to Kutaisi (only 7-9 km). After widespread fame in Soviet times, he experienced a nearly twenty-year period of decline and oblivion. But the natural base has been preserved. And some appreciate the useful qualities and chemical composition of the local mineral water above Borjomi.

In recent years, the once beautiful resort began to revive. Construction is going on everywhere and there is hope that the city will soon regain its former glory.

Prices for accommodation are still lower than in other areas. In addition, in the vicinity you can see the spectacle of incredible beauty - a miracle of nature, the karst cave Kumistavi (better known as Prometheus Cave) with a unique light show.